Friday, February 29, 2008

Hey Jealousy

I want to write here every day, well everyday that's exciting.  But I'm not getting of to a very good start.  They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit and 3 months for it to become part of your lifestyle.  I still have a while until then.

I think James's friends like me!  It's a really good thing.  When we first started going out I knew that they liked me, they even said it themselves, but I didn't feel like they really really liked me and that they were just saying they did because I was better than James's ex-girlfriend  But yesterday I thought that they included me very well.  Derrick had his name tag for his job and he gave it to me to wear.  Then a little while later they decided that all the boys should go outside and steal this one kid's guitar case.  I was kinda bumed that I didn't get to go because I'm obviously not a guy, but then they said that since my name was Derrick (I still had his name tag on) I was a boy. I like having James's friends like me. 

Later on James and I were playing the question game.  He asked me how many guys I've kissed. I didn't know the exact number but I guessed around 14.  He said that he was really jealous of those other guys and I can't really understand why.  They didn't really mean anything to me.  The thing is, they were all guys I was kinda sorta interested in going out with but since kissing good is really important to me I wanted to make sure they could do it alright before I was actually committed.  But you know what? I found that guy that gives me goosebumps on my arm and butterflies in my stomach every time he kisses me.  And that guy is James.  I tried to explain that to him but I don't know what he thinks.  He really has nothing to be jealous about.